Why There is a Growing Need for Cybersecurity

Why There is a Growing Need for Cybersecurity

. 4 min read

There’s no denying that nowadays, we’re more and more reliant on technology than we ever have been before. No longer do we simply have one desktop computer, one landline, or even simply one mobile. Smartphones dominate our lives, essentially a pocket-size laptops with everything from our private photos to our bank details. But, how do we actually get hacked, and what can we do to prevent this?

These are questions that are constantly on the minds of the always-online, especially those running and managing businesses. After all, ever since the introduction of Web 2.0, the internet and digital platforms have made up an increasing amount of our livelihoods, and being able to protect ourselves from threats to that livelihood is vital. So, today, we’re going to take a look at the growing need for cybersecurity, and some of the things that can be done to bolster your own.

We Are Only Going To Continue Living Online

It’s a known reality that the hold technology has on us is continuing to grow. We very rarely leave our house without our phones and if we do, usually we’re filled with panic and feel almost as if a limb is missing. However, it’s not just the emotional attachment that fuels this feeling, we can pay with our cards or even simply phones and very rarely have physical money on our persons. Further to this point, we bank online, from transferring money between accounts to paying major bills. Many people are now turning to VPN companies in order to secure themselves and remedy the anxiety that comes with such a technology-based world.

With the invention of the cloud, all of our important data is now constantly with us, making it more simple than ever to access all of this information; the problem is, we’re not the only people that have ease of access. If a hacker obtains your information, it means more than simply finding a few photos; they can do anything from stealing your bank details to full-blown identity theft.

So, how exactly will a VPN assist the war against cybersecurity breaches? A VPN helps to disguise your data so that cyber hackers cannot decipher it, rather than leaving it vulnerable in public networks for anyone to have access to. Also, it can serve you as a tool to bypass geo-restrictions. For example, if you’re traveling, you can choose an Australian VPN server and enjoy the content that would be unavailable in the region you’re currently in.

The fact is that, especially for those of us who are using public WiFi and using data on the go, there are concerns to be had about the security of our devices. It’s often something people put off or avoid simply because it’s not something they’ve ever had to directly face before, and this is something that hackers inevitably thrive off of. By having a secure VPN service, you can feel safe and secure knowing that your data is protected.

It’s More Than Just Your Laptop That’s Vulnerable

Many of us are diligent with our computer safety, only using our own wifi network that we know is secure, and using hotspots out in public rather than using external networks that are open to prying eyes. But, it’s more than just our phones, or even risky public servers, you can hack into anything from a car alarm to a security system, endangering your privacy at every turn.

And, our growing allegiance to technology means we are only becoming more susceptible to hackers. The world we live in is firmly rooted in modern technology, everything is online and all of these systems have a unique code, which in turn, cybercriminals can hack into, which is detrimental to businesses. Even for businesses that don’t rely quite as heavily on technology to perform their day-to-day tasks, we are living in a time in which internet usage is practically unavoidable. So, without the correct forms of security for your devices, even the least reliant of us can find our digital information being compromised in some way.

One example of this that managed to pick up a lot of mainstream media coverage was fears of baby monitors being manipulated by hackers. This, coupled with several similar stories of various internet-optimized devices having vulnerabilities, has led to increasing concerns around security from devices that people hadn’t previously considered to be in danger. Naturally, many of these stories of hacking ended up stirring widespread panic that shifted the conversation in a more extreme direction. Whilst some of this may have been blown slightly out of proportion in some cases, it did hammer home the point that people need to remain diligent when it comes to all their cybersecurity, not just the obvious.

The Repercussions Of A Business Being Hacked

High-level cybersecurity is so important, especially for businesses, because without it, it leads them to be open and susceptible to an attack that will lead to a data breach. As a result, sensitive data like names, addresses, and even bank accounts can be leaked. This is a bad look for a company and is more than just a headache, it can cause a major loss of revenue due to customers losing trust as well as possible lawsuits from previous clients.

The fact is that businesses have been concerned about their data being stolen since the internet became part of everyday life. Even today, certain industries such as law will regularly see the maintaining of more traditional paper-based documentation to ensure that there are as few potential threats to the privacy of their clients and their business as possible. These aren’t idle concerns either, as large-scale data breaches such as 2014’s Sony hacks can show the dangers of data hacking for large companies.

Workers have become even more susceptible to security breaches over the past two years, due to working remotely. Nowadays we can’t simply rely on our company's network to share files. Often we share them across unsecured networks in our homes, or out in public which is so easy to get ahold of. Scrambling your whereabouts with a VPN allows you to feel comfortable and makes your data anonymous whilst sharing, scrambling your location, and putting up a shield between yourself and dangerous data criminals.

With the ongoing online reliance and the high level of data criminals out there that have the ability to access your personal files, it’s vital you protect yourself correctly. By utilizing a VPN you’re able to browse safely and feel secure knowing that your online activity is not able to be tracked.

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Courtney Rehman

Part of the expertEasy editorial team, Courtney is from South Africa.

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