How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Erubescens?

How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Erubescens?

. 12 min read

If you're considering an indoor plant, there's a myriad of species out there, each capable of injecting a unique character into your home without busting your budget. And the best part? They're mostly easy to care for, requiring only a smidgen of your time and effort.

One such plant is the Philodendron erubescens. This indoor plant can completely revitalise the ambiance of your home, both internally and externally. From its early seedling phase, until it reaches the grandeur of maturity, we'll help you nurture and tend to this plant within your household.

Ready? Let's begin.

Philodendron Erubescens: At a Glance

Philodendron Erubescens
Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Philodendron erubescens is often referred to as the "blushing philodendron." It's part of the Araceae family and is native to the exotic locales of South America.

The Philodendron is loved for its large, shiny, heart-shaped leaves that usually display a rich mix of burgundy and dark green hues. The plant can reach impressive heights of 3 to 6 metres, depending on the conditions it's grown in.

Likewise, Philodendron erubescens features impressive, prominent, heart-like leaves that shine nicely. These leaves are a lively, bright green but have a reddish-purple hint underneath. This unique colour combination gives the plant a rosy blush, adding to its majesty and charm.

Philodendron Erubescens Varieties

Philodendron erubescens boasts a wide range of varieties, each with its own set of colours, patterns, textures, and aesthetics. Depending on the lighting and growing conditions of the location, choose the variety that best suits your home.

Here are a few noteworthy options:

  • Red Emerald: The Red Emerald has fiery red stems and impressive burgundy leaves, all polished to a glossy sheen. This red theme carries through the entire plant, right down to the stems and the undersides of the leaves. Remember, Red Emerald is a climber, so it'll need a little bit of support or something to climb on.
  • White Princess: The White Princess comes with a mixture of green, cream, and white hues on the leaves that creates a remarkable display, oozing beauty, elegance, and sophistication.
  • Pink Princess: The Pink Princess, as it's named, has leaves that are a jumble of pink, green, and white splashes. When positioned rightly, it's a real head-turner, whether it's inside or outside.
  • Burgundy: If you want to make an indoor statement, then Burgundy is your go-to. Its deep burgundy leaves live up to its name, and they become even more beautiful as the plant matures.
  • Prince of Orange: The Prince of Orange has a stunning array of leaf colours. New leaves unfurl in vibrant orange and gradually transition into hues of yellow and, finally, a lush green. This continuous display of changing colour creates an ongoing spectacle of natural beauty. Prince of Orange grows in a clump, creating a bushy appearance.
  • Black Cardinal: The Black Cardinal, with its almost black leaves, has a pleasing aesthetic that is uniquely understated. Whether you put it indoors or outdoors, this plant is sure to catch the eye and make a statement.
  • Imperial Green: Imperial Green has large, glossy leaves that give the plant an imposing stature in a short amount of time. They're the crowning glory of the plant, adding a touch of grandeur to its overall look.

Growing Conditions for Philodendron Erubescens in Australia

Australia's geographic and climatic conditions make it quite feasible to grow Philodendron erusbescens. But before we dive into how to cultivate the plant, let's explore the growing conditions it requires:

Climatic Conditions

The Philodendron erubescens is a hardy plant that readily adapts to tropical and sub-tropical climates, such as those in parts of Australia. Regions like Northern Queensland and coastal New South Wales make excellent homes for this plant. Likewise, areas with mild winters are also suitable for its growth.

Philodendron erubescens can also handle a bit of airflow, but strong winds can damage the plant, dry and break the leaves, so it's best to protect your plant if you live in a windy area.

Light Conditions

While Australia is known for its strong and direct sunlight, it's essential to remember that Philodendron erubescens don't require intense, direct light. Instead, it thrives best in filtered light or shade to avoid leaf burn. Morning and evening sunlight are just fine. Use sheer curtains or shade to protect your plant if your climate is extra hot.


Philodendron erubescens likes it warm, with an ideal daytime temperature range of 18-29°C. Remember, it's a sensitive plant and can't cope with temperatures below 13°C. If you're in a cooler climate, growing your plant indoors is best.

Watering and Humidity

Australia's humidity levels can vary greatly, so when watering the Philodendron erubescens, consider the soil's moisture retention and the surrounding humidity.

If the top layer of the soil feels dry, it's time for a drink. But remember, excess water must be drained to prevent root rot. In drier areas, maintaining humidity can be as simple as misting the leaves or using a humidifier.

If you're growing your plant indoors, regular watering is vital. Likewise, using well-draining soil is best to prevent waterlogging and root rot. And if you're growing your plant outdoors, keep an eye on the soil after rain to ensure there's no waterlogging.


Regular fertiliser application can support healthy growth during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser following the instructions on the packaging for dosage and frequency.

Cultivating Philodendron Erubescens in Australia

Cultivating Philodendron Erubescens
Cultivating Philodendron Erubescens (Image Credit: Lawn)

The easiest way to propagate Philodendron erubescens is by stem. This method is super simple – you take a stem from the original plant and give it some care until it grows into a new plant. Here's a step-by-step guide for propagating your Philodendron, whether you're keeping it indoors or outdoors:

Step 1: Choose the right stem

Start by selecting a mature and healthy stem from the parent Philodendron erubescens. Look for a stem that has at least two nodes (those spots where leaves grow out from).

Step 2: Prepare the cutting

Once you have the stem you want to use, get some clean and sharp pruning shears. Make a neat cut just below a node. Try to get a cutting that's about 10 to 15 cm long. Remove any lower leaves from the cutting, leaving a few leaves at the top.

Step 3: Optional: Rooting hormone

If you want to give your cutting a boost, you can use a rooting hormone on the cut end of the stem. This isn't necessary, but it can increase your chances of success. Rooting hormone comes in either powder or liquid form and helps the cutting grow roots more easily.

Step 4: Plant the cutting

Before planting the cutting, prepare some moist potting mix. Dig a small hole in the soil and gently insert the cut end of the stem into it, making sure at least one node is buried.

Step 5: Light and environment

Light is essential for the Philodendron erubescens to grow well. Place the cutting away from direct, intense light in a warm and humid spot. You can cover the cutting with a plastic bag or a transparent sheet to maintain humidity. Using a propagation tray with a lid can create a mini greenhouse effect.

Step 6: Keep the moisture right

Remember to watch the moisture level of your plant. Water the cutting from the bottom to avoid wet leaves, or mist the inside of the plastic bag to keep the humidity up.

Step 7: Monitor growth

Waiting can be a bit challenging, but it's crucial. Check your cutting regularly for signs of growth. Keep an eye out for small roots and leaves starting to develop. It might take a few weeks, but the results will be worth it.

Step 8: Transplanting

Once you see a healthy root system, it's time to transfer your new plant into a bigger pot. Just ensure the pot has well-draining soil, and provide your new green buddy with the right amount of sunlight, water, and care discussed above as it grows.

Growing Philodendron Erubescens Indoors

If you're looking to brighten up your indoor space with Philodendrons erubescens, make sure they're placed somewhere with sufficient light but out of direct sunlight. A north-east window is ideal. If this isn't possible, artificial grow lights can ensure your plant receives the light it needs.

Here are some planting tips:

  • Temperature and Humidity: Erubecens favours a warm climate, ideally between 18 and 29 degrees Celsius. Avoid direct sunlight or sudden temperature changes, and maintain humidity by placing your plant on a water-filled tray with pebbles and spritzing the leaves regularly.
  • Potting Mix: The perfect potting mix for Philodendron erubescens consists of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite, though you can also use orchid bark. These components offer excellent moisture retention and good drainage.
  • Watering the Plant: Considering the environment and season when watering is key. If the top layer of the soil is dry, give it a drink, ensuring that excess water drains out to prevent root rot.
  • Fertilisation: Feed your plant water-soluble fertilisers in spring and summer to promote growth, cutting back or ceasing in winter. Always adhere to the instructions on the packet.
  • Maintenance of the Plant: Regularly inspect your plant, removing any yellowing or damaged leaves. Prune to control the plant's size, and if you opted for a climbing variety, consider using a moss pole or trellis for support.
  • Pest and Diseases: Also, keep an eye out for pests and deal with them promptly using organic or chemical insecticides.

Fast-growing climbers can transform your outdoor space in no time. Discover our pick of the 13 Fast-Growing Climbing Plants in Australia to get your garden blooming faster.

Growing Philodendron Erubescens Outdoors

With the right climatic conditions, Philodendron erubescens can thrive outdoors. When planning to plant outside, consider the following factors to support the plant's growth:

  • Climate Sustainability: Philodendron erubescens hails from tropical and subtropical regions; it flourishes best in hot, humid conditions; hence it's a suitable choice for most Australian regions that offer warm summers and winters. If your locale experiences a rather chilly winter, you might want to consider moving your plant indoors during the colder months to prevent damage.
  • Lighting Conditions: Lighting is also critical in the Philodendron erubescens' overall growth. While being a tropical plant, it doesn't appreciate direct sunlight. Thus, finding a spot that offers indirect sunlight or filtered light - something akin to the dappled light beneath a larger tree would be ideal.
  • Watering the Plant: Regarding watering, the same principle as indoor planting applies. The Philodendron erubescens prefers its soil to stay consistently moist. In hotter conditions, be sure to water more often to help regulate soil temperature and moisture content.
  • Trellising and Support: Some Philodendron erubescens varieties are climbing plants and would benefit from a bit of external support. If yours is a climbing variety, consider installing sturdy trellises or poles to bolster its growth and aesthetic appeal.
  • Soil and Drainage: Choosing the right soil and ensuring proper drainage is essential. The Philodendron erubescens thrive in well-draining soil that can retain sufficient water to keep the soil moist yet allow excess water to drain off, thereby preventing root rot. Clay soils or commercial potting mixes would work as a treat for outdoor planting.
  • Maintenance of the Plant: To maintain the plant's visual charm, regularly trim any dead, damaged, or overgrown leaves. Not only will this encourage new growth, but it also prevents the plant from becoming excessively dense. It's similarly wise to shield your Philodendron erubescens from harsh weather conditions, including high winds, heavy rain, and extreme temperatures.

Pests and Diseases Concerns for Philodendron Erubescens

Philodendron Erubescens Yellowing Leaves
Philodendron Erubescens Yellowing Leaves (Image Credit: r/Aroids)

Taking care of your Philodendron erubescens also means being aware of potential pests and diseases that could affect its health. You can keep your Philodendron erubescens healthy and thriving through vigilance and preventive measures.

Common Pests and Diseases Concerns

Here are some common issues to keep an eye out for:

  1. Aphids: These tiny insects can cluster on the leaves and suck out the plant's juices, causing leaves to curl and distort.
  2. Mealybugs: Mealybugs are another type of sap-sucking pest that can leave a white, cotton-like substance on the plant. They weaken the plant and can lead to stunted growth.
  3. Spider Mites: These tiny pests can create fine webbing on the plant and cause leaves to become speckled and discolored.
  4. Scale Insects: Scale insects look like small bumps on the stems and leaves. They also feed on the plant's sap and can weaken it over time.
  5. Fungal Leaf Spot: This disease appears as small brown or black spots on the leaves. It's often caused by excess moisture on the leaves, so avoiding overhead watering can help prevent it.
  6. Root Rot: Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot, a fungal disease that affects the roots of the plant and can cause wilting and yellowing of leaves.
  7. Bacterial Blight: This disease can cause dark, water-soaked spots on leaves, and it spreads rapidly in humid conditions.

Prevention and Treatment

To prevent these issues, here are some steps you can take:

  • Regular Inspection: Regularly check your Philodendron erubescens for any signs of pests or diseases. Catching them early can make treatment easier.
  • Isolation: If you notice a pest or disease issue, isolate the affected plant from others to prevent spreading.
  • Hygiene: Keep your plants and their surroundings clean. Remove dead leaves and debris to discourage pests and diseases.
  • Proper Watering: Water your plant appropriately, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to fungal issues.
  • Good Air Circulation: Ensure proper air circulation around your plants. This helps prevent the buildup of humidity that can encourage disease development.
  • Natural Predators: Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs that can help control pest populations.
  • Quarantine: If you bring new plants home, quarantine them for a while before placing them near your Philodendron to make sure they aren't carrying pests or diseases.
  • Treatment: If you notice pests or diseases, you can use insecticidal soap or neem oil for pests and fungicides for fungal diseases. Always follow the instructions carefully.
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Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Philodendron erubescens.

How fast does Philodendron erubescens grow?

Philodendron erubescens is characterised by a moderate yet impressive rate of growth. When cultivated under ideal conditions, it can shoot up to an entire metre within a single year. However, to achieve this sort of growth, several factors need to be taken into account. Providing the right amount of light - that is, plenty, but indirectly - plays a critical role in its development.

Additionally, the plant requires a warm and humid environment, so consider its placement carefully. Finally, its nutritional needs must not be overlooked. Regular feeding with a suitable fertiliser during its growing season can have a profound impact on the plant's growth rate.

Is Philodendron erubescens an indoor plant?

Philodendron erubescens is an excellent choice for indoor cultivation. The plant is wonderfully adaptive and can thrive in typical indoor settings, particularly those offering bright yet indirect sunlight. It also appreciates humid conditions, often found in many home interiors. But the flexibility of this species extends beyond indoor cultivation.

Should you reside in a region where climate conditions are favourable, the Philodendron erubescens can also be successfully grown outdoors. It's a versatile plant that can add a touch of nature's charm to both indoor and outdoor spaces.

What is the habit of Philodendron erubescens?

The Philodendron erubescens is an intriguing plant with a climbing habit. It often propels its growth by extending aerial roots onto nearby surfaces. This propensity for vertical growth makes it an ideal selection for gardeners looking to occupy vertical spaces in their homes or gardens. Imagine it gracefully scaling a wall or trellis, its heart-shaped, dark green leaves unfurling, flecked with dashes of red - a truly captivating sight to behold!

How do I encourage my Philodendron to grow?

To stimulate growth in your Philodendron erubescens, create a mini ecosystem that mimics the plant's native environment. This involves providing bright yet indirect light, ensuring high humidity levels, and using well-draining soil. Regularly administering a water-soluble fertiliser during the growing season (usually spring and summer) can also contribute to its vitality and promote growth. 

But remember, this species has a love for vertical exploration. So, don't forget to offer some sort of support, like a pole or trellis, for your Philodendron erubescens to scale and display its lush, leafy glory.

Fancy other Philodendron varieties or cultivars? Read our growth and care guide on these:

• Philodendron Silver Sword: A striking philodendron variety with long, sword-shaped leaves showcasing a shimmering silver-green hue, adding an elegant touch to any indoor space.
• Philodendron White Princess: A captivating philodendron cultivar featuring heart-shaped leaves adorned with beautiful white variegation, creating a stunning contrast against the deep green backdrop.
• Philodendron Prince of Orange: A vibrant philodendron hybrid that boasts brilliant orange leaves when young, transitioning to a lustrous green as they mature, bringing a pop of warm color to any plant collection.
• Philodendron Xanadu: A tropical beauty known for its lush, glossy, deeply lobed leaves and easy-going nature, making it an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor settings.
• Philodendron Selloum: An easy-going tropical beauty, Philodendron Selloum boasts large, deeply lobed leaves that resemble a split design. It's a popular choice for interior decoration and indoor spaces.

Bringing It All Together

Philodendron erubescens can add a splash of green and an artistic touch to any corner of your home. It's a living testament to nature's beauty, brightening your indoor nooks and crannies. Follow this guide carefully, and you'll have a thriving beauty soon.

Remember, your feedback is always welcome, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts or ask any questions. And remember, we're here to help you on your gardening journey with plenty of tips, tricks, and plant wisdom.

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Mark Thompson

Mark is an Australian Agronomist and a father of two beautiful girls. He enjoys writing about garden design, landscape architecture, DIY, tools, and related topics.

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