10 Exceptional Ways to Make Your Swimming Pool Safe and Clean

10 Exceptional Ways to Make Your Swimming Pool Safe and Clean

. 5 min read

When the summer season is around the corner, your mind thinks about the pools. You imagine spending a hot day inside your swimming pool. You cannot forget the memories of the pool parties.

No doubt, swimming pools are a source of relaxation and living memories. Your pools are among the components of a cosy home. While the pool is a haven of comfort, many owners ignore a crucial role – maintenance. Your swimming pool requires regular maintenance to continue offering your amazing experiences.

When you fail to take up the maintenance chores, algae, broken filters, and green water become part of the pool. These elements not only make it dirt but also unsafe for you and your family. For you to avoid this occurrence, here are exceptional ways to keep your swimming pool safe and clean:

Clean and replace the basket filters

Your pool filters work like kidneys in your body. As you know, the role of the kidney is to remove any impurities. The filters do the same role of ensuring that your pool water is clean and pure. They filter all debris be it dirt, toys, hair, or even leaves. With time, these filters become dirty and cannot perform further filtering. Here is where you need to work on them.

Cleaning your filters regularly is the guarantee of keeping your pool's water clean and safe. You should consider removing debris and cleaning these elements after every six hours of use. The process of filter cleaning is simple.

All you need is to open the pool deck, lift the basket filter, remove any dirt and debris, clean the filter, and replace it. After some time, you can consider getting new filters to keep your pool healthy and pure.

Maintain the chemical levels of the pool water

The swimming pool should be a place for relaxation and enjoyment. For this goal to remain alive, monitoring pool chemistry is vital. A good and safe pool should have balanced water. Otherwise, you are likely to experience irritation on your skin when the balance is improper. Also, your pool will have murky water or even become a breeding site for bacteria.

To avoid such occurrences, you need to assess and maintain the chemical levels of the pool. Some of the chemicals that you need to maintain their balance include free chlorine, cyanuric acid, calcium hardness, total alkalinity, and acidic levels. You will require a test kit to conduct this assessment. With balanced chemical levels, your pool water will have a crystal clear appearance and murky-free.

Try out baking soda

Sometimes, your budget may be insufficient. The swimming pool chemicals are costly. With a fixed budget, it will be hard to buy some. But this should not be an excuse for failing to maintain your pool. In place of the chemicals, you can opt for baking soda. This element offers the same amount of sodium bicarbonate available of the pool chemicals.

Also, it does not impact your pool alkalinity levels negatively. Baking soda is available at lower prices in your locality. So, instead of wasting your money on expensive chemicals, considering baking soda will be a perfect idea.

Ensure maintenance of appropriate water levels

When swimming pool builders construct your pools, they mark the appropriate water levels. Your pools should not go below or above the mark. Water will fluctuate depending on weather and activities in your pool.

For instance, the rainwater will move the level to a higher mark. When people spend their afternoon in the pool, they will splash water and lower the level. You should work on maintain the levels by adding more water when the level goes down. Also, you need to pump excess water from the pool. After performing this task, always assess the chemical levels to ensure they remain stable.

Absorb oils with a tennis ball

On a hot summer day, your swimming pool offers a haven of coolness and relaxation. You come from the workplace and get into the pool. It is a nice experience inside this home-made beach. However, you do not leave the pool as clean as you found it. Instead, oil from oil products and skin, as well as hair, now becomes part of the pool.

These elements are debris and make your pool unclean. So, the best way to handle them is by removing them.  Cleaning such elements can be mind-blogging. Luckily, you do not need a professional to carry the task for you. All you require is a tennis ball.

As you know, a tennis ball features some fibres. The fibres work perfectly in absorbing the oil left on the pool water. This way, you keep your pools clean and free from the slick sheen.

Clean the pool tiles

The pool tiles are a good place for algae to grow. If you leave them unclean, you will offer the algae a nice habitat. The growth of this organism does not only make your pool dirty but also can compromise its safety. For this reason, you need to ensure they are clean at every point.

Plan a weekly cleaning of the pool tiles. You or your pool cleaners should brush them thoroughly to give zero space for algae growth. Essentially, a clean pool will attract more visitors. If it is for business purposes, you will witness an increase in your pool revenues.

Assess the presence of cracks

Water retention is the backbone of a suitable pool. For this reason, it should be free from any cracks. Neither the deck nor the tiles should have a crack. A crack will affect your water levels by letting it flow from the pool. Also, it can offer an opportunity for an unwanted organism to find its way into your swimming pools.

When you notice a crack, you should take swift action to block or seal it. Silicon is a good material for handling cracks in your pool. As such, always perform a regular assessment to ensure your pool is crack-free.

Monitor the pH of the pool water

Maintaining the right pH of your pool water is as vital as the chemical and water levels. The appropriate pH of the pool should be between 7.2 and 7.6. This range helps to prevent algae growth and maintaining chlorine efficiency.

As such, always monitor your swimming pool PH. You can obtain testing material like water quality testers for conducting this exercise. With this information, it will be easy to know when to perform a pool shock.

Clear leaves and debris on your pool

No doubt, your swimming pool is in an open space. Leaves and other debris will always find their way into the pool. To keep the pool clean you need to remove these leaves daily. Skimming is the perfect option for performing this chore. However, some debris sinks and settle at the bottom or sides of your pool. In this essence, you should consider scrubbing your pool regularly. This way, you will always have a clean and safe swimming pool.

Have an annual pool servicing schedule

Even with all these cleaning aspects, you will need to service your pool. The servicing process should involve emptying them and performing a thorough cleaning. This schedule will help you repair broken areas and clean stubborn debris. So, if you want to keep your swimming pool safe and clean, always have an annual servicing schedule.

Wrapping up

As you can see, it is essential to maintain your swimming pool. The pools offer a cool place to soak your body during the hot season. Also, it is a good place to host your pool parties and workout sessions. But for it to keep serving your purpose, you must ensure it is clean and safe.

Assessing the water and chemical levels, cleaning the filters, and removing debris will make your swimming pool safe and clean. So, consider implementing the above aspects to retain the cosiness of your home swimming pools.

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Laura Kemp

Laura is from the UK and has a background in digital marketing for consumer products across global markets.

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