Our ergonomic desk height calculator is the definitive approach to determining the best height for your sit-stand desk, paired with an ergonomic chair, and monitor arm or mount.
This will help you maintain an optimal sitting or standing position to improve productivity and maintain a balance between work and well-being. Our tool recommends the ideal desk or chair height based on your height.
Using Our Desk Height Calculator
Enter your height in centimetres below; our desk height calculator will provide a recommended range to help you set up your workstation.
To get the best recommendations, take note of the following:
- Your shoe height matters whether sitting or standing. Add 2.54 cm (or more for high heels) to accommodate any other clothing allowance. Likewise, adjust your height if you’re using an anti-fatigue mat with your standing desk.
- If you use any form of lenses (for example, bifocal lenses), consider how they affect the height or distance between you and your work devices.
- Choose comfort above all else. Our ranges serve as a starting point; always adjust your workstation to what’s most comfortable.
Recommended Ranges:
Chair height: 35 - 40.5 cm
Your thighs and feet should be parallel to the floor (thighs and lower legs forming 90-110° angle)
Desk height: 54 - 59 cm
Your elbows and underarms should lie straight on the armrests to the table. Check that you have a 90-110° angle at the elbow
Monitor height: 104 - 107.5 cm
Looking straight, you should be looking at the top third of the screen.
Everybody is unique and these ranges serve as a starting point. Adjust the desk height to one that's most comfortable to you.
Recommended ranges:
Desk height: 90 - 97 cm
Put your hands on the keyboard and check the angle at your elbow - it should be around 90-110°.
Monitor height: 139 - 143 cm
Looking straight, you should be looking at the top third of the screen.
Everybody is unique and these ranges serve as a starting point. Adjust the desk height to one that's most comfortable for you.
Should You Sit or Stand?
Sitting for too long is considered sedentary behaviour and is responsible for adverse health effects such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. However, the alternative only provides a slight boost in energy and productivity levels, which is also considered sedentary.
To break these habits, experts recommend combining sitting for long hours with intermittent exercising breaks or using standing desks either with walks in the local area or pairing with an under-desk treadmill or a stint on an exercise bike to break up the sedentary behaviour.
Most people, however, get by with sit-stand desks that help them alternate between sitting and standing. Thus, maintaining a balanced relationship maximises comfort, efficiency, and excellent well-being.
Setting Up Your Workstation
Your workstation is crucial to living a good life, especially if you spend an average of 30 to 40 hours weekly at work. A workstation that is poorly set up leads to strains and musculoskeletal injuries. Here’s how to build a superior workstation that caters to all your needs and pain points.
1. Choose the Best Ergonomic Chair
Whether using a traditional or a sit-stand desk, choose a desk chair that meets all the basic ergonomic requirements; height, armrest, and seat depth adjustable and offers lumbar support. Here are some of the best ergonomic chairs in Australia. Now, consider your sitting posture.
Ensure that elbows are level to the height of your work surface and that your elbows and shoulders are relaxed—try to have an angle between 90 and 110° at the elbow. Also, check that your thighs and lower legs are always at a right angle with each other, with both feet flat on the floor.
2. Choose the Ideal Work Desk
Your work desk or surface should be flat and large enough to accommodate all your working tools with enough room to spare. Ensure that your desks are adjustable and can accommodate your varying working postures. Consider a monitor arm or a standing desk converter for traditional desks to improve adjustability.
For sit-stand desks, it’s also important to maintain optimal standing positions to reduce fatigue and strain on your legs. Stand upright, ensuring your elbows bend at a 90° angle with the desk surface, and your hands should float above your keyboard and mouse. You must also keep your neck and shoulders relaxed and your knees slightly bent to keep your joints flexible. Finally, ensure your wrists are never tipped upwards or downwards.
3. Set Your Monitor Height
In the correct standing or sitting posture, your eyes should glance at the top third part of your monitor screen when looking straight. Always ensure that your screens are slightly tilted at an angle between 10-20° and positioned in front of you or between them if you’re working with multiple monitors.
Get a monitor arm or stand to help optimise your monitor position to a better comfort level, allowing you to adjust your monitor height and distance from your eyes. For standing desk users, here are some of the best stools to help you achieve the ideal eye position with your monitor.
If you must hunch forward to read from your monitor screen, you’re too far away from your workstation. You mustn’t be too close to read from your screen, either. Your screen should be approximately one arm's length away from you, depending on your screen size. Consider getting a prescription glass for computer use if you have difficulty reading from your screen.
4. Adjust Your Keyboard and Mouse
Moving your hands from your keyboard to your sides should relieve and relax. If this stresses your shoulders, you aren’t well seated, or your keyboard and mouse aren’t well placed. For laptop users, raise your device's screen to keep your shoulders and head in a comfortable position while using the keyboard or mouse.
Desktop users should maintain their keyboard and mouse at parallel levels and directly in front of them. Keep them close to your body to avoid neck and shoulder strains, yet 10 to 15 cm away from the edge of your desk to prevent them from falling and provide good support to your forearm.
5. Ensure Good Lighting
Lightening is crucial to how you perceive what displays around you and on your monitor screen—with increased brightness or not. Good lightening reduces the strain on your eye and prevents you from overarching to see what’s in front of you. A well-lit office or home workstation boosts your sense of well-being and focus.
This is also true with how well-ventilated your workstation is. Where possible, set up your workstation close to a window to receive good sunlight and fresh air from the environment.
6. Other Things to Note
Ensure easy access to your workstation and keep the environment free of hazards that might be detrimental to yourself or your devices. Practice good electrical and maintain safety precautions with your work devices.
Consider workstation optimisation devices such as headphones, houseplants, and humidifiers if they help you relax and be more productive. Additionally, exercise intermittently to reduce strains and boost your energy flow; regular leg, back, and shoulder stretches can help you avoid injury from long periods at your workstation.
7. What Next
You have your ideal desk height and know how best to set up your workstation. Now what? Tinker! Our uniqueness as individuals means we may find comfort at some levels that others may not.
So do not settle just yet; play around with your workstation and continue fine-tuning till you get to that perfect level of comfort you require. Remember, if you’re spending more than eight hours at your workstation daily, you’re spending an equivalent ⅓ of your lifetime here; make it count.